
Filing complaints

Dealing with your bank or credit union can be daunting. Finding the right person to talk to or write a formal complaint to can be difficult. I can help you communicate with your financial institution or ombudsman.

Preparation for discovery

Financial institutions are opaque by design. It can be difficult to determine the right questions to ask. I help counsel understand the structure and functions of financial institutions, the kinds of policies and procedures that inform and direct their operations, and what questions might be helpful in discovery.

Expert briefs and testimony

Should trial be on the horizon, I am available to provide an impartial expert opinion related to various types of fraud victimization, including the preparation of briefs and participation at trial under Mohan.

Professional development

Does your business or professional association have ongoing professional development requirements? If you are a reporting entity, a business in a cash-intensive industry, or an affected business or professional association, I can help. Contact me to discuss training opportunities for your members.

Support for victims

Dealing with institutions, bureaucracy, and processes can be frustrating. People can get stuck in the aftermath of victimization. I offer short-term coaching sessions to help victims understand what happened to them and how to move forward as they heal from their victimization.